Change Entire Column (Toggle)


  • Range(“DataRange”)
  • Range(“DataTopLeft”)
  • Range(“SelectAll”)
  • Check that Highlight Color is the same in trigger and Sub


Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

    Dim iFirstRow As Integer
    Dim iLastRow As Integer
    iFirstRow = Range("DataTopLeft").Row
    iLastRow = Range("DataTopLeft").Row + Range("DataRange").Rows.Count - 1

    If Target = Range("SelectAll") Then
        If Range("SelectAll").Interior.Color = vbRed Then
            Call ChangeEntireColumnToggle(False, Target.Column)
            Call ChangeEntireColumnToggle(True, Target.Column)
        End If
    End If

End Sub


Sub ChangeEntireColumnToggleTEST()

    Call ChangeEntireColumnToggle(False, 6)

End Sub

Sub ChangeEntireColumnToggle(blnChoice As Boolean, iColumn As Integer)

    'Prerequisites: Range("DataRange"), Range("DataTopLeft"),
    'Range("SelectAll") to be double clicked, and toggled.

    Dim rngDataColumn As Range
    Dim iFirstRow As Integer
    Dim iLastRow As Integer
'    Dim intHighlightColor As Integer
'    Dim intHighlightFontColor As Integer
    iFirstRow = Range("DataTopLeft").Row
    iLastRow = Range("DataTopLeft").Row + Range("DataRange").Rows.Count - 1

    intHighlightColor = vbRed
    intHighlightFontColor = vbWhite
    Set rngDataColumn = Range(Cells(iFirstRow, iColumn), Cells(iLastRow, iColumn))

    If blnChoice = True Then
        Range("SelectAll").Interior.Color = intHighlightColor
        Range("SelectAll").Font.Color = intHighlightFontColor
        'cells will be Highlighted by the DirtyCells feature when contents change
        ''or use Conditional Formatting
        rngDataColumn.Value = "Yes"
        Range("SelectAll").Interior.Pattern = xlNone
        Range("SelectAll").Font.Color = vbBlack
        rngDataColumn.Value = "No"
    End If

End Sub