Running a procedure on a workbook

This is for a user running some procedure on a specific workbook. This could be to modify an existing manual spreadsheet, or to upload data from a spreadsheet to a database table.

The Issues

The choices are:

  • Run it on the spreadsheet when it is open. In this case, the procedure has to be fired off off an Add In, perhaps from a QAT button.
  • Run it from a macro-enabled Fixer spreadsheet. Here, the procedure prompts the user to browse to the file. It is then opened, the fixer is run, and either closed or left open for the user to review the fix.

The second method is preferred if the fix is ad hoc.

I would avoid a Fixer spreadsheet running code on an open spreadsheet. It could get messy as there could be other open spreadsheets, and typically the user will need to run the code from the IDE.